Our Student Resources

Digital Learning at RGUC
The Undergraduate Learning platform has been designed to enhance and complement students’ user experiences. All of our digital resources are available to students to access as soon as they start their placement.
The platform contains all the digital learning resources that we offer in order to support and supplement the learning of our third, fourth and fifth year medical students. This includes our iClinical resources, regular RGUC newsletters, student induction programme and RGUC TV on demand.
Student Access to the learning platform.
You can ‘Log in’ to the platform using the top menu of this website. Log in credentials have been issued to all medical students who are on placement in our Teaching Academy.
If you are a RGUC medical student and unable to access the platform, please email media.team@rguc.co.uk
Select the images below to view screenshots of some of the resources on the platform

The media team have been working closely with our clinical teaching fellows, in the development of RGUC TV. This venture aims to increase students awareness and engagement with the resources that the Undergradute learning platform has to offer.
At present, students are able to watch RGUC TV on the TV in the undergraduate centre common room during certain times of the semester. We will continue to develop additional video content for this platform to enable us to provide a more comprehensive programming schedule in the future.
Medical Students in Hospital
A note for patient and visitors
The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust is a teaching Trust. This applies to Russells Hall Hospital, Guest Outpatient Centre in Dudley, and Corbett Outpatient Centre in Stourbridge and our community sites.
This means that doctors, nurses, and other health professionals receive part of their training here. Healthcare students may accompany medical teams treating patients at any of our sites.
During your visit, you may be asked if you are willing to take part in the education and training of medical students, student nurses, physician associates, and allied health professionals.
On average, up to 450 medical students undertake their placement at the Dudley Group throughout the year, and up to 120 University of Birmingham medical students will be on placement at any one time. These students may be talking to and examining patients, observing surgical procedures in the operating theatre, viewing diagnostic images in the x-ray department, or learning by apprenticeship. It is likely that you will meet these people whose teachers are the doctors, nurses and other health professionals who care for you.
Healthcare students learn best by interviewing and talking to patients. This helps them to learn about interacting with people, whilst enabling them to gain medical knowledge not easily obtained from textbooks. Students will meet patients on wards and in the outpatient departments. They may also be present as observers when you have tests, procedures or operations.
At The Dudley Group, students are easily identifiable. University of Birmingham medical students wear green and white name badges and uniform. Nursing students and allied health professionals are also identified by their uniform.
All healthcare students are bound by the professional duty of confidentiality. They are expected to pass relevant personal information that patients give them to the responsible doctor or nurse, but no further.
If you want to talk to a student in confidence then you are welcome to do so. However, you will be made aware that the student is normally expected to pass on information relevant to your treatment.
As a teaching Trust, The Dudley Group strives to develop and nourish a well-rounded and accomplished healthcare workforce for the future. The continued support of our patients is a very important part of this evolution.