Some of our clinical teaching fellows attended the Association of Medical Education (ASME) Annual Scientific Meeting in Glasgow to present the research undertaken this year in the academy.

Awais and Reeja presented their chatbot, which essentially behaves as an online patient. Students can type their history taking questions and the chatbot replies with its symptoms. This was presented as an online poster, allowing attendees to try out the resources for themselves!
The teaching fellows also presented a poster on Airway to Exposure | Interactive, which is currently being developed in conjunction with the RGUC media team. The faculty perspectives on this resource, which were presented at the conference, were overwhelmingly positive and the feedback will be used to continue the on-going development of the project.
Faculty perspectives on a new online simulation platform:
Airway to Exposure | Interactive R Hayhurst, R Hasan, A Sheikh, H Mottershead, A Rehman, E Shovelton, C McGee
Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to drive innovation in undergraduate medical education A Sheikh, R Adel
Oncology interprofessional education: rolling with roles R Hayhurst, H Mottershead, S Ralph, S Fullwood, A Rehman