Clinical Teaching Fellows showcase work at virtual conference
Every year, Clinical Teaching Fellows (CTFs) are invited to the Birmingham Conference at the University of Birmingham medical school, where they are invited to submit abstracts for consideration for the Dean’s Prize for Research and Innovation in Undergraduate Medical Education.
Due to COVID-19, all poster conferences in person this year were cancelled. However, CTFs took part in a virtual conference where they presented their poster orally via Zoom in a synchronous event. Attending were CTFs and staff from all of the Trusts in the West Midlands and University of Birmingham medical school.
Hana Waraich, Jessica Mernagh and Rosie Grace delivered their poster presentation on the Airway to Exposure learning resource, which was developed by CTFs based at RGUC and can be accessed by all University of Birmingham medical students via our online learning platform.
Airway to Exposure provides students with an online interactive scenario to work through in a virtual simulation fashion, and supports the fifth year acutely ill patient simulation programme.
All CTFs presenting posters received certificates stating that the work shown was ‘Highly commended‘. Hana, Jess and Rosie thoroughly enjoyed sharing the work, learning what has been going on in other Trusts and having the opportunity to network with peers from other hospitals.